Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Medicalization of Childbirth

1. BACKGROUND In the 1700s, Barber-surgeons, predecessors of the obstetricians belonged to a low social standing, similar to that of carpenters and shoemakers, members of the arts and trade guild. In an attempt to create social mobility and improve social status, barber-surgeons saw the opportunity to expand their expertise and redefined the perception of their skill as life saving, a higher moral order. Soon, barber-surgeons gained a competitive edge over midwives to practise at difficult home-deliveries, through manual non-medical-instrumental extraction of fetus from the birthing woman (Dundes, 1987).Contrary to lay belief that fetal life began only at the point of â€Å"quickening† when expectant woman felt fetal movement (20 weeks), Obstetricians utilized their bio-scientific knowledge from the expertise of the microscope to claim that the start of perinatal life begins from the point of conception (Costello, 2006). This Interprofessional rivalry sparked resistance from t he displaced midwives. However, English midwives succeeded in certifying midwifery practice through the 1902 Midwifery act (Costello, 2006).This was an important step in establishing midwives not as physician-rivals, but as para-medical subordinates. In the same year, 1902, the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the British Empire was published (Drife, 2002). Early physician Mosher observed inverse relationship of declining birthrate and increasing abortion rate. He hypothesized that women opted for â€Å"criminal abortion† to avoid childbirth pain. This sparked widespread attention from society to reduce the disincentives of childbirth. Hence, obstetricians made claims to be able to alleviate childbirth pain, creating a market for obstetrics.In 1900s, only 15% of deliveries were in hospitals (Jones, 1994), after the ministry of health expanded maternal hospital facilities, hospital deliveries sored from 60% in 1925, to 70% in 1935 and 98% in 1950 (Loudon, 1988). This sh arp increase also correlates with the emergence of chloroform and ether as the first analgesics during the mid 1800s, followed by the Twilight Sleep consumer movement, of scopolamine and morphine, in the early 1900s, championed by middle and upper class women for fundamental rights to painless childbirth.Under the guise of these feminist efforts, medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth changed the orientation of childbirth to something unnatural, and created consumer demand for medical intervention. Finally, the formation of universal healthcare systems, such as the NHS, in an attempt to provide welfare-state equality to healthcare access, gained power over women’s reproductive status and decisions. 2. INTRODUCTION Medicalization occurs when a social problem is â€Å"defined in medical terms, described using medical language, understood through the adoption of a medical framework, or ‘treated with medical interventions† (Conrad, 2007).Pregnancy and childbirth has been subjected to the process of medicalization through increased medical jurisdiction and medical surveillance over these natural domains of life. There are three levels of medicalization: conceptual, institutional, and interactional (Conrad, 2007). This essay explores ways at which these three levels of medicalization have been applied to pregnancy and childbirth, and its consequences. 3. DISCUSSION 3. 1 Conceptual medicalization Pregnancy was an experience strictly confined to women, while childbirth was a domestic event attended by female relatives and midwives.This exclusive and empowering experience opposed and threatened patriarchy, the dominant culture of modern society, creating a social problem of female superiority. Hence, professional obstetricians emerged, eliminated midwifery, and created a medical model of practice that cast a disabling view on pregnancy and childbirth, allowing male participation as women’s salvation or at least, her equal. Medical authori ty and medical technologies attempt to reduce the private and individual experience of the women, and allow participation of men in the shared pregnancy and childbirth experience.One way of removing power from the female experience is to shift the focus away from adaptive bodily functions, to a desexualized and depersonalized birthing experience, with introduction of elements of patriarchy. The agency of the women was further removed through the application of the lithotomy (dorsal recumbent) position and epidural anesthesia. The lithotomy position has the woman lies on her back, facing the ceiling, with her legs separated and held by stirrups.She is given no visual or physical access to the birthing process, and no free access to movement. She merely allows. Epidural anesthesia removes bodily sensations from the waist down. Hence, the birthing woman does not receive contraction signals from her body to bear-down and expel the child. She has to depend on obstetricians for objective data on her delivery progress. Risks and choices are also presented in medical terms, hence, women are unable to understand and make informed choices or negotiate participation in their pregnancy and childbirth process.Then, the woman is stripped of her individual identity and given identities based on the age, maternal co-morbidities, number of pregnancy (Parity), and point of time in delivery (Gravid). These gives obstetricians biological information of the individual, allowing better assessment of the body and applying of the concept of risks to the management of care. Furthermore, the woman’s identity now revolves around the unborn child. Her choice of diet and lifestyle is now dictated by the risks she is willing to put on the unborn child.The rights of child over mother are highly contested in the literature. After depersonalizing the woman, weakening the gender ideology at birth, an attempt to desexualize the birthing process is done by creating taboo and discomfort to the sexual nature of childbirth. In Midwifery techniques, hands-on perineal massage, which involves preparatory stretching of the vaginal passage; and stimulation of the nipples and clitoris to elicit biological hormones that relaxes and lubricates the vaginal walls, supports natural delivery.However, obstetricians attempted to remove suggestions of female sexuality from the birthing process to allow involvement of a male-dominated profession. Substituting the natural, with artificial injectable hormones (Pitocin) to induce labor; cesarean sections to remove the child from an above-naval-abdominal surgery; and episiotomies (clean incision and straight reunion of the skin, as opposed to a irregular natural tear) as a mark of the obstetrician. This decreases the empowering experience of the body and increases the dependency on external medical interventions.They also offer episiotomies and cesarean sections to â€Å"intercede† for the husband, who assumes legal access and poss ession of the body and sexuality of the birthing woman who has been â€Å"destroyed† by the birth of her child. Another example to illustrate presence of patriarchy is how technology â€Å"reveals† and shares the individual pregnancy experience of the pregnant woman with her husband, is through ultrasonography-enabled-visualization of the child in formation. As such, he pregnant women no longer has authoritative knowledge over her pregnancy, but now engages in an more egalitarian relationship with her husband, an equal partner in the pregnancy experience. 3. 2 Institutional Medicalization Obstetricians became self-governing-businessmen through private practice. Their capitalistic motivations were achieved solely through their medical authority, and not through training in business management. They could determine the type of obstetrical interventions women of each social class deserved.A 75% cesarean section rate among private patients compares to 25% among general pat ients in New York (Hurst and Summey, 1984). This suggests a difference in professional accountability of physicians treating different paying classes. Private obstetricians receive out-of-pocket fees directly from their patients; maintain continuity of care, a personal doctor-patient relationship is expected. Obstetricians become â€Å"socially indebted† to direct-paying patients; hence they may exercise their skill of medical interventions in exchange for the fee, imposing medical procedures on women even in the absence of indication.Furthermore, the closer doctor-patient relationship of private practitioners allows the professional to better evaluate the emotion-translated financial willingness or financial ability to pay for additional cost of medical interventions. High information access through prenatal education and consultations positively correlates with high prenatal care and high cesarean rates (Hurst and Summey, 1984). Theoretically, increased prenatal care should decrease the risks of pregnancy and childbirth; hence less medical intervention should be required.Hence, it is suggested that with medicalized care expanding its surveillance to the prenatal period, there is increased awareness of the dangers of childbirth complication, and of alternate birthing methods, putting high SES New York women at risk for choosing medical intervention, which carries surgical risks on its own. Interestingly, women of lower SES in public hospitals in India were also subjected to more medical interventions and became targets of governmental missions of population control and subjected to pressure to undergo sterilization after delivery (Van Hollen, 2003).Another notable finding was the extensive use of drugs to induce labor, where drug-induced labor was a means of crowd-control, to free up maternity beds for new patients (Van Hollen, 2003). This infrastructure constraint defers from the picture of many modern western countries. In which extensive infrastruct ure was built in more fertile days, and with declining birth rates, more invasive medical procedures such as cesarean section ensures longer hospital stays, utilization of resources and sustaining jobs of healthcare workers in the maternal hospital (Hurst and Summey, 1984).By medicalizing pregnancy and childbirth, the state, through government hospitals and public policies can effectively control the rate of reproduction. Hence, it is seen in both social classes, obstetricians have different motivations for the medicalization of childbirth. Another factor fuelling the medicalization of childbirth is obstetrician’s fear of malpractice suits. Government employers indemnify obstetricians working in general hospitals, however private practicing obstetricians do not receive this privilege. Hence, private patients are able to bring malpractice suits directly to the practitioner, and his practice’s reputation.Fear of malpractice suits are frequently cited for the increase in cesarean rates in New York (Hurst and Summer, 1984). Hence, private practitioners reduce the risk of being legally liable for unsuccessful or complicated childbirth by relying on their skills and exercising authority to decide on medical interventions. Private practitioners also pay a huge premium for malpractice insurance to cover for themselves. In New York, malpractice insurance premiums have risen from $3,437 to $50,000 over three decades (Hurst and Summey, 1984). Application of costly medical interventions helps private obstetricians to cover this cost. . 3 Interactional medicalization Through the cultural interaction between obstetrician and his patient, obstetricians attempt to control culturally deviant behavior medical and intervene with obstetric medicine. Obstetricians routinize medical interventions as professional rituals to establish a sense of security and control over the unpredictable natural process of pregnancy and childbirth (Davis-Floyd, 2002). As part of the ob stetrician’s professional duty, they experience the agonizing prospect of the encountering a biological defect or a loss of human life or biologically defective.Hence, when in the power to establish control mechanisms over nature, obstetricians instate medical interventions to protect themselves from emotional distress, from disability, death or blame from their patients. However, Floyd fails to acknowledge the functionalist and symbolic interactionist perspective, where obstetricians may employ medicalization, not solely from the power of professional authority but for social service to women, and a social duty maintain society’s order.Simonds, 2002 points out that â€Å"as small durations of time become socially meaningful, the perceived scarcity of physical time increases, perceived control of events in one’s life decreases†. This rightly illustrates increased value and meaning of the period preceding childbirth, as social pressure to produce a new fun ctional member of the social group, on both women and obstetricians increases. Ultimately, medical interventions not only serve the interest of obstetricians, but also to women and society as a whole.For example, the change from trimester to weekly monitoring of pregnancy and the introduction of a scheduled hourly-charting at labor, does not merely enable increased medical surveillance and control, but also increases social contact which legitimizes woman’s gender role and addresses the valued significance of pregnancy and childbirth as social events. To the same effect, the medical category expansion to include prenatal screening at dated-pregnancy-checkpoints is also a social construction influenced by the 20th century eugenics project.Prenatal screening allowed in-utero detection of â€Å"biological defects† such as Cleft lip; Spinal bifida; Down’s syndrome, and determination of sex, this screening creates points of knowing for crucial decision-making. Throug h selective abortion another obstetric procedure, obstetricians and women â€Å"play God†, make choices on rejecting or accepting the child into the family and society. This stems from the desire to have a perfect child in a eugenic society. Next, risks is defined by obstetricians, whether a women is or not allowed to have a normal birth.Medical students are taught in terms of the very dichotomous high or low risk assessment of pregnancy. Obstetricians are able to develop diagnoses to categorize deliveries as high risk. Previously, due to poor nutrition, women suffered from a calcium deficiency known as rickets, hence malformed pelvis caused difficulty in vaginal delivery (Drife, 2002). Now, doctors socially construct small pelvis as a diagnosis of cephalo-pelvic disproportion (Beckett, 2005). Women then see themselves as defective, blame themselves, hile doctors use this emotional-blackmail, threatening women of her baby’s death, usually into submission, hence legitim izing his obstetric power. Hence, obstetricians attempt to use objective criteria to label the highly subjective definition of complicated or high-risk pregnancies. Another example is obesity. Women with obesity have higher rates of cesarean section (Beckett, 2005). Hence, these deviant behaviors are perceived as abnormal and have a higher rate of medical intervention.Obstetricians also exaggerate the dangers of childbirth (Cahill, 2001), implicitly suggesting the potential for complications and risks. It is suggested that women internalize gender systems such as knowledge, discourses and practices of the female norm and â€Å"acts† it out during childbirth (Martin, 2003). Middle-class women view themselves as relational, caring, selfless, and discipline their bodies to adhere to the prescribed gender identity. At childbirth, women may actively request for medical intervention, such as analgesia, epidural anesthesia, cesarean sections under general anesthesia, to prevent devi ant behavior.This social driver for medicalization of childbirth is also reflected in the increased risk of childbirth portrayed by the media. Media constantly focuses on exaggeration, creation of a medical crisis. The birthing women agonizing in pain, the use of machines to denote life or death, and the swarming of medical personnel at the birth bed portrays an increase tension and risks at childbirth. Also, news reports home birthing, and finding of abandoned newborns as irresponsible, and linked to pathological child-abusers (Craven, 2005). . CONCLUSION Medicalization of childbirth and pregnancy is an attempt by society to maintain hegemony over the female body and the family, to perpetuate patriarchy, capitalism, vigilance and risk-caution as the dominant culture. However, there is a vast difference in the motivations of this social process. Society sees inequality of gender as a social problem, hence it attempts to control female subordination through the medicalization of preg nancy and childbirth, experiences paramount of the female gender identity.Then, society attempts to control the reproduction of the population by structurally categorizing women according to their ability to access maternal facilities of care. The â€Å"ideal† childbirth experience was then linked to the idea of Socio-economic status. Women, who could afford medicalized care, received the most current and â€Å"advanced† technologies. While women who could not afford medicalized care often received less medical interventions, creating a subjective experience â€Å"lesser† than that of the already established norm of hospitalized painless childbirth.Also, the state could more effectively control population growth through the authority of the attending obstetricians. Lastly, society attempts to control the ideal construction of a society, seeing the unpredictability of childbirth as a social problem, hence attempting to control it with an expansion of medical cate gory to include risk assessments such as prenatal screening and intensive monitoring of delivery process at childbirth. Society also sees the unruly behavior of women at childbirth as deviant and attempts to control it with medicine and medical interventions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor

Introduction to Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor by Karen L. Enz Though a short novel, Wise Blood is a dense and complicated one with various levels of meaning. Many readers are confused and shocked by the novel as there is a distinct lack of likeable characters and there is much violence. A key element in understanding the novel’s construction and meaning is to understand the literary influences on Flannery O’Connor. Flannery O’Connor was deeply influenced by Roman Catholicism that informed her own religious sensibility which echoed in her literary voice.Her religious views envisioned a deeply flawed world that could only be redeemed by the intercession of grace. Her Southern origins brought that vision into high relief with her use of casts of grotesque characters who were often involved in violent incidents. She subjected her characters to microscopic evaluation of their religious and existential obsessions. To lighten its dark tone, Flannery O’Co nnor utilized her masterful satiric wit to increase the spectrum of the colors in her literary canvass.A second influence was O’Connor’s intense exposure to the predominant literary style, New Criticism, which was at its apex during the middle of the twentieth century. New Criticism was a complicated formulaic style that often utilized dense symbolism, paradox, irony, tension and ambiguous meaning, all hallmarks of O’Connor’s writing. New Criticism also professed that a work was to have a high degree of unity and self-containment. If we see Wise Blood through both O’Connor’s religious sensibility and its permeation in New Criticism, the structure and meaning of the novel fall more easily into place.Haze Motes, (note the symbolism of his name hazy vision and mote in the eye) is a the epitome of the religiously obsessed individual. The more he professes unbelief, the more unsure and shortsighted he becomes. The ultimate paradox occurs in his b linding, when he finally realizes his need for redemption. The text is rife with symbolism, much of it religious. The sky is permeated with clouds that look like a simplified God’s beards and curls, roadside pigs that are symbols of the devil, a shrunken man who was a symbol a false idol, an old Essex which was symbolic of a search for meaning and homecoming, and glasses that obscure vision.Some critics see the novel as a condemnation of modernity in its cult of shallow self-absorption and nihilistic pursuits. Haze is so focused on his pursuit of unbelief that he fails to see anything around him, including the needs of Enoch (who is driven by instinct â€Å"wise blood†) and Sabbath. A satiric note is sounded in Chapter 7, which can serve as a microcosm of the novel, when Sabbath receives a letter from Mary Brittle (note the symbolic nature of the name) who advises Sabbath â€Å" Perhaps you ought to re-examine your religious values to see if they meet your needs in Li fe.A religious experience can be a beautiful addition to living if you put it a proper perspective and do not let it warp you. Read some books on Ethical Culture. † Sabbath, though she is trying to seduce Haze, can be seen as a Christ figure in that mentions â€Å"I can save you, I got a church in my heart where Jesus is king. † Haze is unconvinced and he drives off leaving behind a blinding white cloud that turns into a bird with long wings that disappears in the opposite direction. Wise Blood is a complicated and multi-faceted novel that is not for the faint of heart. For those who can plumb the novel’s meaning, it can challenge and inform.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business plan - CoViTek Essay Example for Free

Business plan – CoViTek Essay CoViTek is an Atlanta based company that offers a unique value added service to the $11 billion dollars video rental industry. CoViTek will revolutionize the industry by renting movies through its video vending machines. These machines are already experiencing tremendous success in Europe, where they were invented. Customers will now be able to rent videos twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in a timely and efficient manner at the lowest price. Our machines can be implemented anywhere, even in locations that are not accessible to our brick and mortar competitors, and we will therefore focus our efforts on all the strategic locations. Reve-lution Int. will offer a unique business-to-consumer service for the rental of videos and DVDs. The technology, containing a fully automated system, will facilitate continuous rental and return of movies bridging the gap between video stores, who only are open 15 hours a day, and services such as the nonexistent Kozmo. com, who offer video delivery for a premium price. The company has a cost-per-action (CPA) pricing structure. CoViTek’s target customers will include universities with a student body of at least 10,000 in addition to the rest of the city of Atlanta for the first six months of operation. CoViTek will provide their clientele with a complete set of integrated tools within the machine to make accurate and enjoyable purchasing decisions. CoViTek will give video rental customers the freedom of rental 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long. CoViTek will build the world’s truly first convenient and efficient rental system†¦ Target Customers Movie rentals have proven to be an integral part of the everyday lives of the American population. With more than $11 billion dollars in rental sales in 1999, we acknowledge the aggregate demand for the video rental industry. Constantly seeking immediate gratification, video rental stores want the most efficient and cost-effective methods of satisfying their customers. CoViTek will make rentals simple by providing consumers the most efficient tools for with which to initialize a rental process. With the killer application technology used in these machines, the customer will be able to conduct multiple searches in order to rent the movie of their desire. CoViTek will further assist them through the provisions of an active preference search, which is currently being used by Amazon. com. This application will determine what the customer rented last and list the preferred movies of that category the customer will like based on past rental behavior. CoViTek’s potential customers will represent the bulk of video rental households who value rental outlet convenience and flexible payment plans. CoViTek will strive for the most efficient, cost-flexible payments and active searches for preservation of quality time. Market Growth Perspective According to analyst Paul Keagan & Associates, at home movie consumption expenditures will increase approximately 40% by 2005 to $27 billion, almost triple the amount spent in 1990. The vast majority of these expenditures, about 83%, will be for video/DVD rentals and retail. However, movie consumption will also encompass pay-per-view and video on demand (VOD) available through cable and satellite services. Video Production Companies Ninety percent of our videotapes will come from one of the six major production companies: 1. Buena Vista 2. Warner Bros. 3. Universal 4. Fox 5. Paramount, or 6. Columbia-Tri-Star The power of these suppliers is very high, as they hold the exclusive rights to the movies they produce. One of our late competitors, Kozmo. com, has built a unique strategic partnership with these production companies. They have developed a profit sharing system with the major production companies requiring no initial investment in the videos, but agreeing to give 40% of the revenue generated by the rentals to the producer of the movie. We believe that this profit sharing system is financially unattractive, although it will allow us to reduce our initial investment costs; it minimizes our profits which in turn will delay our expansion strategy. We will use an initial video vendor, Video Bicicling, based out of Texas to supply us with our videos and DVDs. They will provide us with the most up-do-date movies for competitive prices. Competitor Differentiation CoViTek differentiates itself from its competitors in several key areas. While companies such as Blockbuster and Hollywood Entertainment offer the same features, only CoViTek will incorporate all of the features described below in a way that gives consumers the ultimate ease of use, active preference search, and extremely convenient locations of operations. Time Availability CoViTek’s competitive advantage is based on its time availability for rentals. The machines will be open and available for usage 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. CoViTek will keep customer service readily available even throughout holidays. Strategic Locations CoViTek will implement the vending machines in key strategic locations after performing a detailed demo-geographical analysis of the city of Atlanta. Locations will initially be university campuses and later the urban areas of the city. Each machine will be located in areas where there is heavy human traffic. Payment Flexibility Our pricing will be flexible depending on the amount of time the video is out. Since CoViTek is a system that is open 24 hours a day there are no late fees associated in our model. Our standard rental time for DVDs is â€Å"midnight of the following day† for a price between $2. 50-$3. 00. Each additional day will be between $1. 50-$2. 00. Video Cassettes will be $3. 99 and if returned within 24 hours $1will be credited back. Each additional day will be $1. 99. (Based on new releases) Active Search CoViTek will use an innovative application technology which actively searches for videos categorized by title, actor, new releases, type of movie (action, thriller, comedy), and most frequently rented movies. Relative Competitive Factor Blockbuster Video Hollywood Video Kozmo. com CoViTek Relative Product Quality and Differentiation i i i i Flexible Payment Plan i E-commerce Based i i Brand Recognition % 100% 63% 40% N/A Locations around campuses i i i i Locations on Campuses i i Large video selection.i i Number of employees less than 5/ location i One of the most compelling aspects of the CoViTek model is its portability into untapped realms of video rental opportunities. This will provide the company with a critical advantage-the flexibility to transform itself in response to competitive challenges or to shifts in the video rental market environment. CoViTek’s flexibility will give downside protection to its owners by insuring that new, innovative means of generating cash flow can be realized. Future elements of CoViTek may include: National Expansion. Video rental opportunities in selected national markets such as: Washington D. C. , Los Angeles, Miami and Huston. Washington D. C: our second location has similar features to our first city of operation. It has a few large universities, widely used public transportation, and high pedestrian traffic. The schools we target will be American University, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. Our downtown locations will depend on areas where there is an intersection of the public transportation lines and high pedestrian traffic. Data Distribution. Future plans may include the sale of CoViTek’s proprietary online consumer data to the major video production companies. Specialized Machine Content Another growth opportunity for CoViTek in the future is the implementation of machines with customized video selection. The content of these machines will be select videos and DVDs targeted toward an audience based on specific themes. These machines will be placed in strategic locations based around their themes. Some possible â€Å"themed† machines may include: classic movie machines, foreign movie machines with Spanish subtitles or dubbing, and award-winning movie machines. The placement of these machines will require careful market analysis and planning, and therefore we plan to wait before implementation to gather enough data about the market and the purchasing patterns of our customers. Investment Needs Michel Khoury founder of CoViTek, has accumulated cash in excess of $10,000 for the development and the start-up cost of the company. CoViTek is now prepared to obtain financing through establishing a line of credit and implementing an equipment loan for its initial machine. It will later apply for loans as needed in order to buy more machines as it expands its operation. Using the machines and earnings as collateral CoViTek should have sufficient funds to obtain a line of credit that will secure its implementation of strategy. The initial stage of funding will be used to complete Web-site development, obtain one machines, invest in computer hardware and software, lease location space needed for the machines and market CoViTek during the first 12 months of operations. After 12 to 18 months of operation, CoViTek will require an infusion of an additional $15,000 to expand its brand image and increase its service offerings at an accelerated pace. Successful development and operation of CoViTek will allow it to be self-sufficient within approximately 9 to 12 months of initial operation. CoViTek will be a for-profit company incorporated in the state of Georgia. CoViTek – Start up costs Machines $20,246. 64 Inventory: video tapes $9,210 Cash/ month $2,808 Advertising $8,000 Legal & Accounting $7,000 Insurance $3,000 TOTAL $50,264. 64 Management team Michel Khoury Chief Executive Officer Founder While founding CoViTek, Michel Khoury is Assistant Managing Director at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. He is working hand in hand with the Managing Director of the company in order to implement a system of bringing foreign investment to the company. He has had significance experience with young ventures as he has participated in the creation of several companies nationally and internationally. Michel Khoury is also consultant to the CEO of Santege Capital Asset Management Group in New York City. Michel Khoury graduated in May of 2001 from Emory University with a Bachelor of Business administration with concentrations in Finance, Consulting, Venture Management and Marketing. Business plan – CoViTek. (2017, Aug 04).

Solar car races Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Solar car races - Essay Example It is predicted solar energy would improve in the near future because of its competition with electricity and other energy applications. There are various ways of to use solar energy for example, the use of photovoltaic systems to convert light directly into electricity. The solar water heating system converts sunlight to heat water and the solar thermal system that concentrate solar radiation into small space to produce high temperatures (Mangu et al., 2010, p.6). The solar power has numerous advantages over other traditional energy sources because they are cost effective owing to the cheapness of the panels used in trapping sunlight. The state and the local government incentives are making it affordable and pure since it does not pollute the environment by increasing the carbon footprint (Kotler 2011, p.132). The solar energy can be trapped anywhere at any time since the panels take minimal space to install making them suitable for urban and locations. The solar energy is maintenance free than other forms of energy requiring constant maintenance like wind turbines. Solar energy is easily used in remote areas where it is expensive to increase the electricity power grid. It is conveniently used to power most of the electronic devices by inserting a small miniature panel to absorb sunlight transformed to electrical impulses to power the devices. Other sources of energy like oil reserves can be depleted but the solar energy is infinity and can l ast forever. The solar car gets its electricity by converting sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cells are passed into the battery for storage for future use, or directly transmitted to motor to run the vehicle. The micro-controller chip embedded on the vehicle, which is also responsible for controlling the motion of the car smoothly when the pedal is pressed, performs the process. A solar car functions in various ways, such as capturing sunlight and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Exercise - Essay Example The expression â€Å"he lurched† is in the past simple form. It simply shows the step that Mr. Jones took. The expression â€Å"drew himself a last glass† is in the past emphatic form because it emphasizes that it was not the first glass he was drinking (Anderwald, 2012. P281). The expression â€Å"made his way up to bed† is in the past simple form because it simply shows the act of Mr. Jones going to bed. At the same time, the forms of tenses of the expressions help to show the sequence of occurrence of the events and the states of occurrence. The expressions show that Mr. Jones started by lurching across the yard then drawing a last glass of beer before he made his was to bed. In terms of the states in which the events occurred, the expressions show that Mr. Jones was drunk already as he lurched across the yard. However, he still took another glass of beer then went to bed drunk. The expression â€Å"Mrs. Jones was already snoring† is in the past continuous form. It shows that she began snoring even before Mr. Jones got to bed. The expression â€Å"went out† is in the past perfect form as it shows a fact about what happened to the light (Ambridge, 2010. P1497). The light perfectly went out. The expression â€Å"there was a stirring† is in the past continuous form because it shows an event that started and continued after the light went out. The expression â€Å"word had gone round† is in the perfect past form of past tense. It shows that word going round during the day anticipated the occurrence of some event. This was a perfect occurrence of an event. The expression â€Å"had had a strange dream† is in the past emphatic form of past tense. It emphasizes the fact that the old major had a strange dream the previous night. The forms of tenses of the words showed the states and sequence of occurrence of the events. The light bedroom light went out when Mrs. Jones was still snoring. After the light went out, the stirring began in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Keeping Momentum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Keeping Momentum - Assignment Example That is, people who feel their inputs, contributions and ideas are not needed as part of the implementation process are very likely to sit back and watch others do things. In effect, centering the change or implementation process round only few people is a major cause for the momentum to fizzle out. After all such a situation means that there will be only few people bringing their momentum together and so it will not be long when the apathy of others catches up with them. Sustained momentum for the implementation of any change process can be likened to sustained motivation among the people involved with the change process. This is to mean that even when enough people are included as stakeholders of change these people need additional motivation that can be sustained if the sustainability of momentum for the change process can be guaranteed (Shapiro, 2010). In any organization, the types of motivation needed by employees or stakeholders of change could be either intrinsic or extrinsic (Denton, 1996). When these types of motivation are absent, the expected levels of momentum cannot be guaranteed. It is important for the change or its implementation to be coiled around the collective culture of the organization. As the organizational culture defines the ideology, philosophies and ways of doing things, any change implemented with the culture can be assured to be permanent since the organizational culture is relatively permanent. It is therefore important that the implementation of change will not be done in a manner that is contrary or sidelines the organizational culture. The effect of including few people in the change implementation has already been outlined above. For a typical organization, it is important for managers to know that people are the pivot that make the change run. When the implementation is done in a manner that is included in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cheating and Integrity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cheating and Integrity - Essay Example Due to modern technology, people all over the globe can share and access different information. This sharing of information allows an area for everyone to manipulate these information and use them for individual convenience. Moreover, this situation eventually leads to cheating, an unethical behavior that causes the decline of the society. According to Lee (2009), cheating in school may simply be an extension of what is happening in the society. Recent studies on the various negative situations in the society have shifted its focus from the corporate standards to the academic standards for which the leaders of businesses and the political leaders of the next generation will son arise. There were significant findings that the scholars found necessary considering the inclusion of the study of ethics in the schools’ curriculum. Students’ exposure to various ethical standards, especially in the academic community may strengthen their resistance to unethical behaviors due to a higher priority to integrity. Exposing the students to the different unethical behaviors and decisions early on may affect their attitudes towards committing one in the future (Smyth et al, 2009). Cheating in the Classroom Cheating comes in different styles and forms. Gerdeman (2000) identified the different manifestation of cheating inside the classroom, specifically in the community colleges or universities such as cheating on exams, plagiarism, falsifying bibliographies, taking credit for someone else's work, receiving improper help from others, and facilitating cheating by others. In addition, Nath and Lavaglia (2009) further includes stealing a test and fabricating academic documents are but among other forms of cheating inside the classroom. In a study conducted by Volpe (2008) (p. 7) on the attitudes and behaviors of the faculty with regards to cheating, it was found that members in the academe underestimate the amount of cheating in the classroom. This result is an irony to students' self-reported rate of students who cheat. This discrepancy between the instructors and the students is a reflection of how diversified professionals and students are in their perception about cheating. As a result, this also leads t the argument that the student may see cheating as a minor offense instead of a high-risk factor affecting the integrity of the institution and the society as well. Taking the issue too lightly by the instructors greatly influences the perception of students towards cheating. There are, on the other hand different factors that initiate cheating. The need to graduate or to get a good grade is the most common factor that encourages students to cheat. Marital status is also another factor such that married students are more likely to cheat than the non-married students. Sorority and fraternity memberships also increase the chances of students cheating such that they wanted to spend more time with their friends than studying. Age is another factor in cheating whereas younger students cheat more than older ones. Finally, the students' major in the university affects their probability of cheating (Nath & Lavaglia, 2009). As common cheating may be in the classroom, studies also provide results that show that students have varying affections in relation to this issue. In a study conducted by Firmin et al (2009), diverse emotions have been observed from the respondents who were witnesses to peer cheating in completing their tests. Such varying emotions were classified as hostility, anxiety and empathy. Some respondents thought the act as unfair, while some felt annoyed and frustrated. There were those who felt responsible for being a witness to such

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Work experience and Impact statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Work experience and Impact statement - Essay Example Together with the support groups, we designed simple engineering structures like incinerators for public institutions’ use. On education, the activities acted as an encouragement to young people who are still at school because I conducted presentations, workshops and/or conferences meant to create awareness. In this case the society has embraced engineering to address their social and economical issues. I plan to pursue a career in transportation and cabinet whereby my main aim is to obtain a position that will enable me maximize my strong civil engineering skills in the field of transportation. I would also like to be challenged in an environment that demands engineering innovation, interpersonal, self-directed and team oriented tasks. This mainly entails ensuring smooth operations and design of highways, airports, railways and public transit (Juan et al 87). It will ultimately ensure safe and efficient movement of people and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Financial Reporting and Analysis Final Group Paper UnitedHealthcare Assignment

Financial Reporting and Analysis Final Group Paper UnitedHealthcare Group - Assignment Example Moreover, a strong analysis of SWOT approach have been performed on the various internal and external dynamics and key drivers of Company to highlights its current performance and probable future position. Further, a brief content pertaining to the values, a company forwards towards its key personnel have been incorporated under the paper, along with various societal expectations & corporate cultural aspects, the entity is strictly following as its regular ethical, corporate responsibility and business conduct circle. Finally, a paper is concluded with a formal and analytic discussion over the comparative accounting performance of a company over various years of its operations, along with a brief and sustainable highlight of company’s current accounting policies incorporated under its financial statements. UnitedHealth Group, a parent company of United Healthcare,  is considered as one of the diversified and enormous company, in health care and health protection industry. The Company is situated in USA, and is currently regarded as a worldwide leader in providing various health facilitations services and plans to needful peoples, and thus, enabling them to live more healthier lives, and in addition, it also aims for the development and improvement of overall health structure and system that works more efficiently for every deserving individuals1. As the company mission statement says, helping people live healthier lives. The Group headquarter is situated in Minnetonka at Minnesota in the region of USA. It is also ranked at 14th place on  Fortune magazines, under the area of top 500 companies operating in United States on current basis. Moreover, UnitedHealth Group offers a wide spectrum of health related products and services to its customer, scattered all over different states of USA, through its two distinct functional business sectors, which includes United Healthcare and Optum2; United Healthcare is an operating segment of the group which offers

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The importance of Hydrogen Bonding in Biology Essay

The importance of Hydrogen Bonding in Biology - Essay Example The atom that covalently links to the hydrogen is the hydrogen bond donor and the other atom represent the hydrogen bond acceptor. These atoms have lone pair of electrons and a negative partial charge that enable them form this bond with hydrogen. Orphardt explains that hydrogen carries a partial positive charge. The formation of a hydrogen bond requires that hydrogen get attracted to an atom that has a partial negative charge. Orphardt explains that hydrogen bond is a directional bond this means the strength of a hydrogen bond relies on its alignment with two electronegative atoms (Orphardt, 2003). Hydrogen Bonding in Water Hydrogen bond is important in that it determines the physical and chemical properties of polar substances for example water. Water has a simple molecular structure consisting of two hydrogen atoms and the atom of oxygen. The hydrogen atoms covalently bond with the oxygen atom. The oxygen atom contains two lone pairs of electrons. The partial positive charge prese nt on the hydrogen atom together with the partial negative charge present on the oxygen atom gives water its polar characteristic. This attractive force between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atoms result in the formation of a hydrogen bond. The polarity of water makes it a good solvent it allows polar substances and ions to dissolve in water. The polarity in water allows high cohesive force to exist in water molecules. One water molecule can form a hydrogen bond with other four water molecules. The high cohesion between water molecules allows water to be drawn up the xylem vessels in plants Hydrogen bonds bind water molecules together constantly form and break; therefore, changing the temperature of water requires the constant addition or removal of heat. This makes water have a high specific heat capacity water and favourable in preventing temperature changes in the body. The hydrogen bonds in water are responsible for the high surface tension in water. The hydrogen bonds hold w ater molecules tightly at the surface. This allows dense substances to float in water and for insects to walk on water Hydrogen Bonding in DNA Structure The hydrogen bonds determine and stabilize the structure of macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids. The hydrogen bond is responsible for holding together the three-dimensional structures of proteins and DNA. Hydrogen bonds are responsible for formation of biological structures such as double helix DNA strand. The hydrogen bond plays a critical role in ensuring the DNA structure is stable. Hydrogen bonding in a DNA structure is the chemical interaction responsible for base pairing. Arnold states that hydrogen bond holds together the double helix structure. The base pairs in DNA and RNA strands are connected by hydrogen bonds. The DNA molecule consists of four bases cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine. The DNA double helix structure has two polynucleotide strands that are intertwined together. The DNA structure is very sta ble because of DNA base pairs arrangement, which allows the interaction of the bases (Arnold, 2009). Hydrogen bonding is significant in holding together the polynucleotide strands of DNA. An adenine on one-strand pairs with a thymine base on the other strand and a guanine pairs with cytosine. Arnold describes that the stability of a double helix DNA strand is due to the internal and external hydrogen bonds existing between the complementary nucleotide base pairs. Arnold

Importance of Voting in America Essay Example for Free

Importance of Voting in America Essay Democracy is defined as the form of government wherein the power is derived from the people. The people exercises their power through suffrage, as they have the right to elect the officials they feel would best serve their country. The United States is the most recognized democratic country in the world. Unfortunately, the culture of voting seems to be on the decline. As the years go by, fewer people are lining up to cast their vote in America. What has happened? Why are more and more people refusing to vote? Have they forgotten how crucial it is to vote? There are three important reasons why voting in America is important. First, it is the responsibility of every American citizen to vote. Second, voting gives the American people a voice, the chance for their opinions to be heard. Lastly, voting is important because it is a means of change. According to Lyndon Johnson, voting is the â€Å"first duty of democracy† (as cited in Clinton, 2000). From this statement, it is clear that it is every American citizens obligation to vote in elections. If one is a citizen of a democratic country, that person should participate in the processes within the state. A democratic country is democratic simply because it leaves room for suffrage to take place. This is because suffrage is part and parcel of what democracy is all about. If people refuse to vote, why would democracy even be upheld? In democracies all over the world, people have fought for the right of suffrage and lost their lives in the process (Clinton, 2000). It would be such a shame if the American people at present would not take advantage of the privilege that patriots died for in the past. Therefore, every American should vote because it is his or her duty. In the words of Alexander Hamilton (1962), â€Å"voting at elections is one of the most important rights of the subject† (p. 544-545). Voting is also important because it gives people the opportunity to express their opinions (Walsh, 2004). Citizens of a democratic country have a say in everything, from laws to be enacted to the people who will assume government posts. This is where the peoples power comes from. The act of voting is actually deciding to make a decision. Ones refusal to vote is simply a rejection of the power given to him by the state. Moreover, regardless of race, sex, gender and social status, the act of suffrage allows everyones voice be heard. Consequently, if suffrage is the expression of opinion, it follows that suffrage is also a means of change. According to Thomas Jefferson (1900), â€Å"the rational and peacable instrument of reform, the suffrage of the people† (p. 842). Voting is the best way enact change. It is an avenue for different people to champion their individual concerns. Whether one is concerned with environmental problems, human rights, quality of education or foreign policies, he or she should vote to address these issues (Clinton, 2000). It is important for every American to vote. First, it is the responsibility of every American citizen to vote, since it is his duty to do so. Besides, failure to do so undermines the very nature of democracy. Second, voting is important because it is an outlet for people to express their opinions. Lastly, voting is an instrument for the change people want to see. This is only three of the many reasons why the American people should vote. The power of democracy is in the people, and it would be a waste if this power is not exercised. References Clinton, H. (2000). Talking It Over. Retrieved January 24, 2008, from http://clinton4. nara. gov/WH/EOP/First_Lady/html/columns/2000/Tue_Nov_14_185710_2000. html Hamilton, A. (1962). The papers of Alexander Hamilton (H. Syrett, Ed. ). New York: Columbia University Press. Jefferson, T. (1900). The jeffersonian cyclopedia (J. Foley, Ed. ). New York: Funk Wagnalls Company. Walsh, J. (2004). What Is The Importance of Voting? Retrieved January 24, 2008, from http://www. msu. edu/~walshja6/ImportantVoting. html.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Inventory System Essay Example for Free

Inventory System Essay This chapter contains the Introduction and the Problem Definition specifically the Statement of the Problem, System Objectives and System Scope and Limitation within the Problem Definition. Introduction In our generation, almost all of our transactions are in database management system which is a set of programs that enables us to store, modify, and extract information from a database, it also provides us(users) with tools to add, delete, access, modify and analyze data stored in one location. There are many different types of Data Base Management Systems, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. One of which is what we call the library computer system. A library computer system is the software used to catalog, track circulation (where appropriate) and inventory a librarys assets. It is intended for home, church, private enterprise or other small to medium sized collections. Larger libraries will typically use an integrated library system to manage the more complex activities such as acquisitions, interlibrary loan, and the licensing of online resources. The International Baptist College started as a learning center in 1973 as a missionary extension of International Baptist Church of Mandaluyong. The International Baptist College is located on Arayat Street in between the main thorough fares of Boni Avenue and EDSA in Mandaluyong City. The school then from time to time was being developed and now has the permit to offer a Nursery, Elementary, High School and College programs. The IBC uses a manual system in their library called the card catalog which is a register of all bibliographic items found in a library or group of libraries, such as a network of libraries at several locations that is being typewritten or handwritten in a Cataloging Principles format. Because of it, the librarian has a hard time in updating book records; a large amount of time is being consumed in monitoring and checking the availability of books and slow process of borrowing, finding and returning of books. Problem Definition Statement of the Problem With the increasing demand for more books and library materials in the IBC that will support the information needs, the task required in managing there library is becoming more complicated. Some books are being misplaced because of unorganized arrangement. The process of creating the inventory was quiet difficult and time consuming. Specific statement of the Problem: 1) What are the difficulties being encountered by the librarian, students and the faculty staff of the IBC in within their Library? 2) Why do the School needs a computerized library system? 3) What are the expectations in the proposed library system? 4) How will the proposed library system improve the delivery of service to the students, the librarian and the faculty? System Objectives The researchers aim is to come up with a system that will provide the students and the faculty staffs an easy way of finding and borrowing books and to help the librarian in monitoring the inventory of the books and library materials. Specific Objectives: 1) Provide solutions to the problems and difficulties encountered by the librarian, the students and the faculty staff of IBC. 2) To determine the possible benefits of a computerize/integrated library system. 3) To find the expectations of the librarian, the students and the faculty staff as the users in the proposed system and accomplish these expectations. 4) To find out how can the proposed system improve the delivery of service to the librarian, the students and the faculty staff of IBC. System Scope and Limitation The scope of the proposed system centers on making the system as computer based to improve the process of searching, borrowing and returning of books and library materials. The Students and Faculty Staff have a limited access in the library system. They can only view the book’s information including its availability. If they wish to borrow the book, they still need to go to the librarian and present their Student’s and/or Faculty ID same as returning the book. The librarian however has a full access in the library system. He/she can update the records in books, library materials and student’s/faculty staff inventory. It includes the adding, deleting and editing of records, the process of borrowing, printing of reports needed by the management, and the computation of the overdue days and penalties of the returned books. He/she can also view the databases according to his/her choice. On the other hand, the system has the limitations of: it cannot other offenses like causing damage to books and library materials and it does not issue a receipt for overdue books.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Strategic Planning Processes

Impact of Strategic Planning Processes 1. Briefly explain strategic management in your own words. Strategic management is the process of describe the organizations mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, projects and programs in order to achieve the objectives of the firm, and then distribute resources to conduct the policies and plans, projects and programs. In other words, strategic management is the ways of drafting, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. (David, 1989). Strategic management involves adapting the organization to its business environment. Strategic management is a level of managerial activity under setting goals and over Tactics. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise. The features of the strategic managements are as following: Strategic management is non-repetitive so each conditions is unique and requires to be assessed in its own circumstances. Strategic management provides direction to entire organization. Strategic management requires strategy formation and implementation. Strategic management is partially planned and partially unplanned. Strategic management is done at several levels: overall corporate strategy, and individual business strategies. Strategic management involves both conceptual and analytical thought processes. In conclusion, strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or political environment (Lamb, 1984). 2. How do you explain the success of firms that do not use a formal strategic planning process? Success in todays business environment requires that a companys leaders have the ability to create a vision of the organizations future direction as well as the course it needs to get there. Strategic management is concerned with the future success of the business and may entail major changes in the benefits to be offered customers, in organizational capacity, and in competitive posture. When we look at the internal and external factors in the business we are doing, we see that the factors such as market segments, competition, economy, regulations, etc. are changing regularly. Without challenging all of those working assumptions, particularly market segments, competition, opportunities, threats, industry scenario and winners profile, the company cannot craft their revised course and direction, goals, objectives and action plans. So, strategic planning helps organization set a much clearer direction for the future. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. By acting on this, strategic management actually gives the organization direction, a sense of identity and unity towards what the business goal. Strategic management has an importance of towards business success. In conclusion, strategic management takes into consideration the companys vision and mission. Strategic management helps in achieving the organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner and monitoring the implementation of strategy using a system interlinked with the long term vision of the corporations. Improved strategic management processes may also facilitate the development of the more complex management structural that are needed as firms grow. 3. Few people reach the top-management level. Why, then, is it important for all business majors to study the field of strategic management? Management is known as the highest level of business planning. Strategic Managements focus is to build a strong business foundation which will subsequently reflect on collaborated efforts involving each and every single individual of an organization so strategic management process is the concern of every single person in the organization because of this issue, it is important for all business majors to study the field of strategic management. In more detailed terms, strategic management determines what the objectives of a business are. How to develop the ways of achieving the determined objectives and what are the resources needed in order to achieve the objectives. It also covers the core objectives of an organization; it involves developing a mission statement wherein it covers the landscape assessment of the organization, such as how the operations would run and who will be the people assigned to play the key roles within the organizations landscape. Another area is the vision statement, wherein through Strategic Management, the organization will establish key objectives to respond to the gray areas and unmet needs of their business, deciding for which will entail consideration of both short-term and long-term offerings of the organization. Every person included major should study the strategic management in order to know and implement their responsibilities towards the companys missions. The next step of strategic management is to develop a strategic plan which will efficiently and effectively run in order to meet their goals and objectives. In formulating a strategic plan, Strategic Management comes in to delegate individuals who are equipped with the adequate knowledge, experience and skills with the needs and objectives of the business. After delegation, distribution of responsibilities for tasks and processes will follow which calls for the combined efforts of all employees, in this phase they would need to effectively communicate their responsibilities and determine their deliverables. As a final point, strategic management calls for the allocation of the precise quantity of resources to the diverse aspects of the business in order for those assigned to the specific goals will be able to attain their objectives. This varies from providing the employees with the exact resources to ratifying systems wherein employees will receive the essential and needed training, all processes of work are tested, and at the same time all generated data and information is well documented. In order to effectively and strategically manage the business, every facet of the organization should meet their needs so that in the long run, all aspects of the work involved will run seamlessly and will function as an integrated whole. 4. In what ways do you believe the strategic planning approach of not-for-profit organizations would differ from that of profit-oriented organizations? Simply put, strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how its going to get there and how itll know if it got there or not. The focus of a strategic plan is usually on the entire organization. The focus of the planning activities is often different between for-profits and nonprofits. The typical profit seeking firm relies almost solely on the sale of its good and services to the public for its sales and revenue. For-profits tend to focus more on activities to maximize profit. On the other hand, nonprofits tend to focus more on matters of board development, fundraising and volunteer management. Not-for-profit organizations also serve the public as profit seeking companies but those firms mostly depend on membership fees, endowments, donations, contributions in addition to revenue. Their priority is not maximizing their profit because they have other incomes. So the target usage of strategic planning is different for profit seeking and not for profit organizations. However, not for profit organizations may use strategic planning for their fund raising operations. A strategic plan doesnt guarantee theyll reach or exceed their fund-raising goals. But at the very least, it provides them with a clear, well-lighted path to reach them. Fund raising in the absence of a good strategic plan is like going on a hike in the middle of the night without a flashlight or map. In conclusion, because of the structure and target difference between profit seeking and not for profit organizations, their priorities about revenue are different. So they use strategic planning for different purposes. Case Study Exercises: 1. What do Michael Moores documentary, wealthy Saudi investors such as the bin Laden family, George H.W. Bush, and former Prime Minister John Major have to do with the transformation of the Carlyl Group? When the founders of the company close to the retirement age, they decided to refashion their firm radically. They want their firm more ambitious, more diverse and more lasting. Before the decision, some of the wealthy Saudi investors had some money into the company. After 9/11, those Saudi investors might create a bad image on to public eye because none of the US citizen, want any of the company, person or country that support the terrorism. So, giving back of the Saudi investors money would be a big strike for the company. For instance, The Saudi Arabian relatives of Osama bin Laden were also investors in Carlyle until October 2001 when the family sold its $2.02 million investment back to the firm in light of the public controversy surrounding bin Ladens family after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The bin Laden family has publicly disowned the al-Qaeda leader. Osama bin Laden has not publicly known or acknowledged economic interest in Saudi Binladin Group (SBG), whose investments were in part managed by the Carlyle Group until the arrangement was terminated by mutual consent ( The other point is George H. W. Bush and John Mayor were their senior advisers. According to new radical change of Carlyle, it was told that those two were no longer a member of the Carlyle Family because they hurt the companys image. 2. Discuss two of the red flags that accompany Carlyls radical makeover. One of the red flag is regulations. U.S department of justice sent a letter to Carlyle asking information on club deals because the company was making good deals and their earnings are so big. Also the other issue is their huge portfolio caught the interest of the Federal Trade Commission. They made some constraints about their buyouts. The other red flag is easy access to capitals because easy access to capital now can set up big trouble for later on. If interest rates rise, opportunities to refinance dept will disappear, cash flows will shrivel and bankruptcies will occur. So, Carlyle made faster its buyouts and selling issues. For example, they bought the Hertz for $15 billion, just after 6 months, they earned $1billion dividend. Then they promptly took it to public again. 3. What steps has Carlyl taken to implement a participative approach to strategic decision making? After they decided to make radical change in company, they first started to change their image on public eye. They asked binladen family to take back their money. Also they wanted George H. W Bush and J. Mayer to leave the company. They hired new and publicly regarded people to underscore Carlyles commitment to portfolio diversification and upright corporate citizenship. Carlyle also pared back its defense holdings. In next stage they redefine the very nature of private equity. Carlyle has spread its money among no fewer than 48 funds around the world and launched a mind boggling 11 in 2005 and 11 in 2006. Also they diversed their expertise about buyouts and deals in a broad swath of alternative assets such as venture capital, real estate, collateralized debt organizations. Also they expect to increase the percentage of those other alternative assets. The other thing is, they avoid risks. According to them the more diverse the assets mean the better risk-adjusted returns. Strategic Management Plan 1 Describe your chosen business for this project in a one-page summary. I want to mention about Tesco PLC. Tesco PLC is a United Kingdom-based international supermarket chain. It is the largest British retailer, both by global sales and by domestic market share, and the fourth largest retailer in the world behind Wal-Mart of the United States, Carrefour of France, and The Home Depot of the United States. Tesco has a market value of about  £29.090 billion. Tesco has become quite a successful hypermarket today; expanding to countries like Hungary, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, South Korea and Malaysia and many more other countries. Its success is shown not only in its physical expansion, but in its internal control as well. Tesco is one of largest food retailers in the world, operating around 2,318 stores and employing over 326,000 people ( Originally specializing in food, it has diversified into areas such as clothes, consumer electronics, consumer financial services, selling and renting DVDs, compact discs and music downloads, internet service consumer telecoms and most recently budget software. Also in recent years they expanded their product range to organic foods, healthy living/light choices, world foods, wholefoods, bakeryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ etc. Tesco practices the systematic delegation of the power within the organization; there are different roles and responsibilities assign among the executive committee, nomination committee, remuneration committee and audit committee to run the business efficiently and in an orderly manner. Their mission statement is creating value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. I can willingly say that this mission statement definitely shows Tescos approach to their customer. As I worked at one of Tescos branch for 6 months as the supplier to Tesco, they choose all the products for the stores meticulously. Their aim is to bring healthy, safe but cheap products into the stores. So their customers know that in spite of their cheap prices, their products are safe and healthy and they can buy and use them without hesitating. They create such an atmosphere and this pursuit carries them among top retail stores. 2 What form of communication about the strategic management process would be helpful to the employees in your organization prior to beginning the process? In my opinion, the determination of mission statements, and acceptance and implementation of them would be helpful to the employees in my organization at the beginning of the strategic management process because the mission statement defines the purpose of a company or organization. In clear terms it is guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a sense of direction, and guide decision-making. Mission statements contains of the purpose and aim of the organization, the organizations primary stakeholders: clients, stockholders, congregation, etc., responsibilities of the organization toward these stakeholders, and products and services offered. Mission of the company communicates the firm ´s core ideology and visionary goals. It should contain the company ´s core values, core purpose and visionary goals. While the visionary goals are selected the core values and purpose of the firms should be discovered. Values and purpose are in the company already, the mission just describes them. So, every strategic management process starts with the understanding of the actions and goals by the employees. Actually, the mission statement does not only deal with employees. Every single person in the organization should know the missi on of the organization and behave accordingly. In my organization the mission statement of Tesco is Creating value for customers, to earn their lifetime loyalty. In spite of their cheap retail price pursuit, they never give up from the design quality and safety of the products. When the Tesco buyers trying to put trendy styles to the stores, they also seek the safe and healthy products for costumers. So it means that the customer can buy the high quality and trendy products by paying very little money. This policy overlaps with the mission statement. The customers are happy with their purchase, they would come again and thus Tesco would earn their lifetime loyalty. So, that mission statement creates a force on employees that they should create such products to earn their lifetime loyalty. Every person in the organization pursue towards that goal. Whatever their duty is in the organization, their goal is the same so they are locked to achieve it.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Potential for Avian Influenza to Cause Another Worldwide Pandemic E

The Potential for Avian Influenza to Cause Another Worldwide Pandemic Abstract There are three major factors involved in the start of a pandemic; the viral strain must be new, able to cause serious illness, and transmit efficiently between humans. This article explores the avian influenza virus?s potential to cause another global pandemic through its ease of transmission and ability to evade treatment. Avian type A influenza virus generally spreads either through an intermediate vector during the process of antigenic shift or directly to humans when it jumps the species barrier. A certain strain of the virus, H5N1 was of particular concern as it was the first strain to move directly from birds to humans. The avian influenza virus poses another threat as it evolves quickly through antigenic drift and eludes all treatment protocol, quickly gaining resistance to medication. Battling not trying to stop this virus seems to be the best course of action as we prepare ourselves for another possible outbreak. Avian influenza is a viral disease that does not normally affect humans. However, there have been an increasing number of cases where people have been affected and died. In order for any virus to become a pandemic, it must fulfill three major requirements. It needs to be a new subtype of the virus, one that hasn?t existed in the past. It must be able to replicate itself and cause serious damage in humans, and it must have the ability to transmit efficiently between humans. (World Health Organization, 2005). During the 20th century, there were three pandemics of a strain of avian influenza, two of which (originating in Hong Kong and China) were caused by a new viral strain containing a combination of genes from both human and av... ...where and when it does strike seems to be the best way to battle this deadly virus. Avian Influenza: A Global Pandemic - 6 References ? Kaye, D., Pringle, C. (2004). Avian Influenza Viruses and their Implication for Human Health. Clinical Infectious Diseases, (40), 108-112 ? Ruben, F. (2005). Influenza: getting our attention. Clinical Infectious Diseases, (40), 1697(2) ? Center for Disease Control. (2005, May). Influenza (Flu). Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 7/25/2005: ? World Health Organization. (2005). Avian Influenza: assessing the pandemic threat. The World Health Organization. 7/25/2005: ? Mayo Clinic. (2005, March). Bird flu (avian influenza). 7/25/2005: ? Avian Medicine PHR 220, Spring 2005 UCD ? VM, Pat Wakenell, Avian Influenza

Indian writing in English :: essays research papers

Indian writing in English Raja Rammohan Ray was the first Indian to effectively express himself in black and white through English though he was initiated to the language when he was in his teens. Thereafter Vivekananda showed his perfect masterly over the language through his evocative prose, which made the west sit up and take notice of the greatness of Hinduism. Tagore also had written some poems in English. However, there is no denying the fact that Indian writings in English were extremely few far between. Jawaharlal Nehru and M.K. Gandhi were also great masters of the English language. Nehru’s Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History etc. are glaring testimony to not only his profound scholarship but also his absolute mastery over writing lucid prose in the foreign language. Gandhiji used the language in his writings with utmost precision and desterity. They were followed by the great triumvirate of Anand-Rao-Naryan, who were the first to make Indian writing in English popular among a sizable section of our English educated people. They primarily wrote fiction and their elegant styles soon caught the imagination of the common reader. Indian writing in English had finally arrived in 1930’s after a marginal existence for over a century. Mahatma Gandhi: Though Gandhi used his mother tongue, Gujarati, to write his famous autobiography, later translated into English by his secretary Mahadev Desai under the title The Story of My Experiments with Truth (1929), he used Hindi and English with masterly skill and use. As he lived through a eventful life among his people, who were attempting to liberate themselves from moral decadence, economic exploitation, and cultural subordination, Gandhi wrote, day and night, in and out of prisons, for his two journals, Young India and Harijan. Rabindranath Tagore: The national awakening in Asia found its expression first in the Indian literature, and its formost representative writer was Tagore (1861-1941). Tagore was the first Asian writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature (1913). Tagore represents a happy combination of the ancient Indian tradition and the new European consciousness. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his slim volume of poems entitled Gitanjali. Tagore gave Indian poetry a new type of lyric. Through his collection of stories entitled Galpa Guchchha, running into three volumes, Tagore set the pace of the modern short story in India. His famous novels, Gora and Ghare Baire reflect the genius of a supreme visionary.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel Essay -- Exploratory Essays Researc

In the study of a scientist's life, it is important to recognize several key elements. Scientific contributions are of utmost importance. Following mention of those, it is then possible to look at his or her life, family, and religion as well. However, for Albert Einstein, these elements must all be looked at collectively. Einstein will no doubt go down in history as a great theoretical physicist. His work is compared in importance to that of scientists such as Galileo Galilei, Nicolas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton. Some would even say that his contributions to science were greater. However, it is impossible to paint a complete picture of Einstein without examining his life, his religion, and his personality. His science was his life, and his religion gave him insights as to how to approach science. By observing his innate curiosity, desire for simplicity and elegance, humble outlook, and desire to seek answers, we can see what elements reached the center of his being . Though Einstein was one of the greatest contributors to physical science of our times, he was by no means the most brilliant theorist or experimenter. Competent specialists within the field of physics could have better accomplished some of his mathematical deductions. In fact, he needed the assistance of a friend, mathematician Marcel Grossman, to wield the tools necessary to develop his general theory of relativity. Einstein shined brightest within a theoretical context, but, despite the fact that his relativistic theories were most revolutionary, the study of quantum mechanics made a larger impact on the way physics is studied today. What, then, set Einstein apart? Curiosity was the key factor. As Einstein said, "I have no special gift - I am o... ...manner of man he was. Albert Einstein's lifelong quest was to seek the answers to questions his curiosity posed. His religious inspirations and intuitive nature helped set him apart from other scientists, and aided him in finding the solutions he sought. He was just as unique a man, possessing a world view many have come to respect. In short, Einstein was a man who was much greater than the sum of his equations. It is in this light that he will be forever remembered. It is also because of this truth that Einstein is considered one of the most revolutionary men of our time. Works Cited Duxbury, Philip. "Physics concepts, physics careers" lecture notes. East Lansing, 1996. Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam, 1988. Hoffmann, Banesh (with Helen Dukas as collaborator). Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel. New York: Viking, 1972.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Plains Indians

The destruction of the Plains Indians' cultures connected with the technological developments and government actions in the United States. During the period of struggle between Indians and Whites in the late 19th century, Indian leaders often traveled east to plead their case before the federal government, with few results. The building of the transcontinental railroads and all their branches was an inevitable part of the Industrial Revolution that drove America following the Civil War. The Indians were repressed due to the railroad, which cut through their territory in the West, the declining population of the buffalo, wars, and the loss of their land to White settlement. The federal government tried to quiet the Indians' protests by signing treaties with the chiefs of the tribes. However, the treaties failed because those who signed didn’t necessarily represent groups of people in Indian culture, and in most cases, the Indians didn’t recognize the authority chiefs outside of their own tribes. In the 1860s, the U. S. government made new efforts to relocate Indians into even smaller reservations than before. Indians were often promised that they wouldn’t be bothered further if they would just move out of their ancestral lands, and often, Indian agents were corrupt and sold off cheap food and products to their own fellow Indians. White men often ignored the treaties, though, and frequently scammed the Indians. In frustration, many Native American tribes attempted to fight back. After the Civil War, the U. S. Army’s new mission became to move the Indians out of the West so the White settlers could move in. A couple of Indians and Whites battled between 1860s to 1890s in a series known as the Indian Wars. Many times though, the Indians were better equipped than the federal troops sent to stop their revolts because arrows could be fired more rapidly than their rifles. However, the invention of the Colt . 45 revolver and Winchester repeating rifle put the Indians at a disadvantage. During this period, there was much violence among the Indians and Whites. Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and Custer all battled Indians in battles such as Little Big Horn. The building of the railroads is connected with the settlement of the West and the steady destruction of Indian cultures. The main food source for Plains Indians were the bison. In the early days, millions of bison populated the American prairie, and by the end of the Civil War, there were still 15 million buffalo. Many people killed buffalo for their meat and their skin but many people killed the bison for sport and just left the rest of the carcass to rot. However, it was the expansion of the railroad that really started the bison massacre. Railroads enhanced the value of the land enormously, but made farmers dependent on railroads. The need for open land led them to kill off the bison for railroad land. Railroad construction led to further settlement of the West, which in turn complicated conditions for the Indian tribes. The Plains Indians were driven out of their territory and into too small reservations. With the expansion of the railroad, down came their number one food source, the bison. Inventions such as the Winchester, led to the disadvantage of Indians during battles when protecting their land. The wars, overall, also affected the Indians. The government actions, building of the railroad and other inventions, contributed to the steady decline in the Plains Indians' population.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Islamic Influences On The Renaissance

Muslim Influences On The metempsychosis BY Ashley Moslem Influences on the rebirth Islam is a confidence that is al more or less as old as Christianity itself. The deuce atomic number 18 real substanti entirelyy-nigh related, with merely a fewer differences the ii key differences c erstwhilern the idolhead cosmos a single macrocosm or else than a Trig-Un entity like the Christians believe, and who exactly was the elect Prophet of idol. As these differences are equivalent in individually faith and are ap foretell menting, it is natural to assume that both faiths would be at constant odds with virtuoso an an former(a)(a)wise(prenominal).History mop upers more than enough material to covering fire up that lain, good-tempered the guidance of this composing de set off not be the conflict of the faiths. Instead it will focus on the Muslim solves on the reincarnation percentage point of Europe. How of all prison term, the devil faiths dont want to coexis t with give a itineraryly other(a), so when peerless gains queen, they eliminate the others incline to the best of their ability. There are two key factors in which Islam left a genuinely lasting mark that tooshienot be ignored and discarded, no matter the crusade put into doing so.Education and couturierure are two aspects of culture in which Islam left an influence on cultures and faiths all cross modalitys the globe, including Christianity. To comprehend why Islam played often(prenominal) a big role in the palm of education and architecture, it essential origin be belowstood what Islam is and where it came from. Islam is a faith that traces its agate line to Abraham, who is said to ready hold established the victor covenant with his God. This God is placed at the bosom of all Abraham religions. Therefore, God is the centre of attention of Moslem practices and beliefs.The major beliefs, as discovered above, are that God is totally one universe, a c omplete, all- powerful, single deity. There are some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) other aspects to Islam than those that watch been getd here, exactly none of which are Coperni evoke. The only associate of Islam that is relevant to this discussion is the fact the faith and author go hand-in-hand in Islam. Muslims were encourage to pursue knowledge of the natural demesne about them. This helped them gain an appreciation for the manifold and harmonious nature that faecal matter be found in God, or as He is cognize in Islam, Allah.There is a issue in date in which the Islamic domain of a function experienced something analogous to the spiritual rebirth of the 14th 17th centuries. This current is known as the Islamic fortunate days. succession the spiritual rebirth was a snip of cultural growth in the palm of the humanities by taking lass aspects from history and spend a pennying off of them -imitating and innovating, the Islamic prosperous Age was also a m of cultural growth in all sense of the religion oddly in the arenas of academia.The movement can be seen in establishments much(prenominal) as the Ho drill of Wisdom that the Muslims built in Baghdad. The Muslims quest for knowledge was not only limited to their own discoveries and libraries they sought to encounter all the knowledge of the humankind under one crown. Baghdad was not the only city to be tally much(prenominal) a great center for acquire cities by dint of bring out the Islamic empire allowed suit and became centers for learning for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Cities that rivaled Baghdad were the city of Egypt and the city of CORBA in Al- Andalusia (Islamic gilt Age. Www. Electroluminescent. Com). For five centuries, the Islamic empire as a only enjoyed phenomenal growth in every aspect of culture. The Islamic good deal not only developed the academic incline of their culture, they developed the humanitarian side as well. Most of the play ing areas in the humanities will require little effect on the main idea of this paper overleap for one the only area of once is the architectural someoneal manner that the Islamic community developed that would influence the conversion occlusion that comes to mind in the westernmostern World.To break dance understand how Islam played a p artifice in Renaissance architecture, black letter architecture must be discussed and understood. The architecture demeanor that was imitated and innovated in the Renaissance was the chivalric way of life. The owns that desex this architectural style are the costate vaults, flying buttresses, and mostly notably the point arch. Each of these features do it possible for architects to object and build taller buildings than the Romanesque style allowed. The definitions for each of the elements of medieval architecture will come from the encyclopedia Britannica website.A ribbed vault is defined as follows arching and intersecting sc ar ribs lose a vaulted ceiling show up that is composed of mere thin stone panels, which greatly reduced the weight the vaults weight. (black letter Art. cyclopedia Britannica. ). The next feature of black letter architecture to be defined in the encyclopedia Britannica is the flying buttress. A anatomical structure consisting of an inclined bar carried on a half arch that extends, or flies, from the swiftness part of a wall to a pier some distance out and aeries the thrust of a roof or vault.A pinnacle often crowns the pier, adding weight and enhancing stability. The digit increased the supporting power of the buttress and allowed for the creation of the high-ceiling performes. ( mediaeval Art. Encyclopedia Britannica. ). The third, and most classic, feature of the architectural style to be defined is the pointed arch. The importance and significance of this feature is pointed out by many scholars and architects. At About. Com Architecture, at that place is an name circumstantialally rough pointed arches, and we can see this postulate manifested.During the black letter era, builders discovered that pointed arches would give structures amazing competency and stability. They experimented with varying steepness, and experience had shown them that pointed arches thrust out less than circular arches, says famed architect and engineer Mario Salvador. The main difference mingled with Romanesque and Gothic arches lies in the pointed shape of the latter, which, in addition introducing a new aesthetic dimension, has the important consequence of reducing the arch thrusts by as much as fifty percent. In Gothic buildings, the weight of the roof was supported by the arches rather than the walls. This meant that walls could be thinner. (Gothic Style Architecture. About. Com. ). This is where some scholars urge that the Islamic world had an influence on the Western architectural style. Some believe that this feature came from all the conquests of Isl amic cities and towns, such as the Crusades. But there is well proof that the pointed arch was being diligent in Islamic architecture in the lead it became to be part of the Western styles, such as the Gothic architectural style.Examples of this claim are the Lazar of Seville and the True cathedral in Spain. By these two posers, we can see that the Islamic influence in Western Europe from the seventh coke onward played a essential role in the influencing of the growing of the Gothic architectural style. It is through these early influences that the Islam empire managed to leave their mark on the Christian Renaissance that would come a few centuries later. The Renaissance took the Gothic architecture style and built its own style apply the Gothic one as a stalk.The style that came out of Renaissance Italy came to be known as the Renaissance architectural style. The innovation that the Renaissance style do upon its Gothic base was to go cover song to the roots of antiquit y. Referring to the Metropolitan Museum of Art weeping, an article on renaissance architecture provides a definition of what the Renaissance architectural style emphasized Classical orders and architectural elements such as columns, pilasters, pediments, interrelates, arches, and domes form the vocabulary of Renaissance buildingsAs in the Classical world, Renaissance architecture is characterized by harmonious form, numerical proportion, and a unit of measurement establish on the human scale. (Architecture in Renaissance Italy. Muteness. Org. ). This was the graduation exercise base form of an architectural style from the Renaissance period that use the Gothic style as its base. some other style to innovate on the Gothic architectural style came in the later part of the sixteenth light speed that was very widely used in Spain during the Spanish specious Age, which is alternatively known as the Spanish Renaissance.The Baroque style evolved from the Gothic style and was widely favored by the architects in Spain. The Baroque style, as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica weeping, emphasizes Complex architectural plan shapes, often ground on the oval, ND the dynamic opposition and pervasion of spaces were favored to heighten the feeling of head and sensuality. Other characteristic qualities include grandeur, gambling and contrast (especially in lighting), courageousness, and an often dizzying line up of rich surface manipulations, twisting elements, and beautify statuary.Architects unabashedly applied bright change and illusory, vividly painted ceilings. (Baroque Architecture. Encyclopedia Britannica. ). Even this style, however, found itself being innovated upon during the Spanish luxurious Age. There were two styles that came direction the Baroque style, the auditory sense style and the Churchgoers style. The Hearing style is defined as being extremely sober, naked, and particularly accomplished in the use of granite ashlars work. (Hearing . Boundless. Mom) The later style to come from the Baroque style, the Churchgoers style, was much more like to the former due to the sociopolitical application of it. The Churchgoers style is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica as follows In addition to a overplus of compressed ornament, surfaces bristle with such devices as broken pediments, undulating ironies, reversed volutes, balustrades, stucco shells, and garlands. chasteness was totally aban dod in a conscious effort to overwhelm the spectator. (Churlishness Architecture. Encyclopedia Britannica. ). The reason the Churlishness style was preferred is that it allowed the patron, which was the church in most cases, to design and build buildings that were extravagant and grand. These were seen as symbols of the patrons status and power in society. A good example of save how the Churlishness was used can be seen in the Cathedral of Santiago De Composites. A picture of this building can be found in the appendix of this pap er.The reason that all of this discussion of the many architectural styles to come out of the Renaissance period is that even the last to be discussed, the Churlishness style, still incorporates the pointed arches of the Islamic-influenced Gothic style. The feature that can be dated back to the seventh century has lasted throughout the centuries and found itself still being implemented a thousand old age later. The reason being is that the arch was establish upon extensive study of architecture by the Muslims. Studying the world around them is what the Muslims did, and did well, for several reasons.The Muslims studied much more than Just architecture, they studied all the stems science, art, ethics, etc. It is through their academic studies that Muslims and the Islamic Empire proceed to influence the Renaissance. During the Islamic Golden Age, scholars had to come many skills to be an effective and contributive part of society and solve some(prenominal) problems that arose. Th ese men who had a wide rate of skills to draw from are known as Polymaths, or Renaissance Men as they have been introduced in class.These Renaissance Men, or as they were called in the Islamic world, Hakes, had backgrounds and working knowledge bases for various domains of art and academia. As an interesting side note, in the research material I have gathered there is special mention of Leonardo dad Vinci when pardoning what a Polymath is. This must go to show how much respect Leonardo dad Vinci gained all around the world, and not Just within Christian circles and history books. Getting back to the division at hand, Hakes were held in higher regard for their efforts of trying to further mans intelligence of the world around them.This was particularly done through the palm of science. In science, Muslims had managed to make leaps and spring over the Christian portion of the world. maven ay that Muslims had left their mark in this area of study was in the field of optics. j ibe to the website Collaborationists. Com Bin al-Hath (Lazed) wrote the Book of Optics, in which he significantly reformed the field of optics, through empirical observation proved that vision occurred be arrive of light rays submission the eye, and invented the camera obscure to demonstrate the corporeal nature of light rays. (Islamic Golden Age -Science. Collaborationists. Com. ). In the same instalment he is described as the first scientist for his scientific method, in which he had shifted focus from human perception to empirical evidence. Islamic Golden Age -Science. Collaborationists. Com. ). A var. of the scientific method based off of Bin al- Hatchways would soon be cognize in the Christian world when they Renaissance would come about. In that quote from the website, there was mention of a device that is known as the camera obscure.This device was one of many to come from the Islamic Golden Age. For a short comprehensive inclination of an orbit of technological adva nces to come from the Islamic Golden Age include The camera obscure, coffee, scoop shovel bar, tooth paste, shampoo, distilled alcohol, uric acid, nitric acid, alembic, valve, reciprocating action diver pump, mechanized water clocks, quilting, surgical catgut, vertical-axle windmill, inoculation, cryptanalysis, relative frequency analysis, three-course meal, stained glass and quartz glass, Iranian carpet, and celestial globe. Islamic Golden Age Technology. Collaborationists. Com. ). There are several other inventions that were adopted and implemented by the West before the Renaissance came to be, such as the modernized astrolabe and the hybrid Utrecht. These technologies were around from before the Islamic Empire, but the Muslims innovated upon them ND make them much more effective and easier to use. It is unassailable to say at this point that the Islamic Golden Age could very well be called the Islamic Renaissance if they had precious to revive the memories and themes of t he past.Fortunately, all they saw was the bring to move forward and give the people of the world a better soul of the world around them. When it comes to science they didnt take the field lightly. That is why they alter on the astrolabe, so that this little tool can provide a better understanding of the cosmos. The field of uranology in the prison term of the Islamic Golden Age was based upon the eccentric pose, in which the earth was the center of the universe.The technological advances made in the time period and the brilliant minds from diametrical cultures all over the world help crock up some of the possible misconceptions that the field of uranology had at the time. Ptolemy studies and models were taken gathered by the Hakes and corrected. New fields on astronomy were also introduced, such as the field of astrophysics and celestial mechanics. Several notable Hakes were instrumental in the advancement of the field of astronomy. The evidence for these claims will be c ited from Collaborationists. Mom after(prenominal) Japer Muhammad salt away Ms bin SSHKirk discovered that the heavenly bodies and celestial spheres were subject to the same physical laws as Earth, the first elaborate experiments related to astronomical phenomena, the use of exacting empirical observations and experimental techniques, the stripping that the celestial spheres are not unfaltering and that the heavens are less muddy than the air by Bin al-Hath, the musical interval of natural philosophy from astronomy by Bin al-Hath and Bin al- Shasta, the first non-Ptolemaic models by Bin al-Hath and Maddeningly Urdu, he rejection of the Ptolemaic model on empirical rather than philosophic grounds by Bin al-Shasta, the first empirical observational evidence of the Earths gyration by Nanas al-Din al-Tis and All Squish, and al-Birdbrains early shot on circular inertia. . (Islamic Golden Age -Astronomy. Collaborationists. Com. ). These individuals are part of a movement that may be called the, scientific Revolution before the Renaissance, as it is claimed on the Collaborationists. Com website. Other names for this movement are based upon the civilise that these scholars originated from, the Marsha School. Other advancements that came from this school deal with the possibility of heliocentric vs.. Geocentricism. While there was never any worldwide consensus about which possibleness was correct, there were experiments done in which the results that were produced supported the theory of heliocentric.This theory was later reinforced by the experiments of Galileo and other astronomers of the Renaissance period. These claims, however, were shunned by society for spectral reasons. In order for the field of astronomy to be better understood, there had to be advancements in the mathematical formulas and equations to better explain the phenomena that astronomy presented. The field of maths was greatly influence by Islam. The most important of all the advanc ements made by the Muslims was the development of algebra. There were several other advancements made in terms of the calculus, trigonometry, geometry, and other aspects of mathematics, and each of them in turn were innovated upon by mathematicians during the Renaissance period.Mathematicians from here focused more on the practical application of math than the theory that the Muslims had focused on. These can be seen in the addition mathematical operators such as plus and minus, as well as new grouping structures such as the cube and square roots of numbers. Algebra however, became a cornerstone for the mathematical field ever since its development in the Islamic Empire. Without it, the other areas of math, like trigonometry and geometry, would have had to base their operations in a different model. Other ways to use mathematics other than in the field of astronomy is in the field of medicine. Medicine is generally dependent upon the culture in the antiquated times.When the Muslim s introduced science into the field, it became more universal across the ultras of the world. Before Islamic influence, there were medicos whose restore responsibility was to oversee the diagnosis and daintinessment of illnesses. The methods employed by these physicians largely depended upon the physician himself. With Islamic influence, treatments of physicians were given more specific quantity and type of medicine to treat a specific illness. This revolutionized the medical world by leaps and bounds all across the world. These mathematical applications also allowed for timeliness to be given to illnesses to better determine the full point of an illness based upon the symptoms displayed at the time of diagnosis. cardinal aspect of the medical field that was improved upon by the Muslims and improved upon again by Renaissance men, women and scholars was surgery. The Muslims improved surgery by introducing the practice of dissecting bodies that had juvenilely passed to determine what the cause of death was, the autopsy. Another practice the Muslims had introduces was quarantine. This could have come in handy in the later Middle Ages when the bubonic kindle ran rampant across the region. Muslims were also very good at drawing basal diagrams of carious bodily functions and systems, such as the circulatory system of the human body. One Renaissance scholar managed to use this culture and build upon it.Miguel Server was the first person in recorded history to describe pulmonary circulation of the human body. To explain such a thing, the physician would most promising have a working knowledge base of the field of physics. Physics in itself is a universal subject, but in pre-Renaissance times it largely depended upon the accepted genial views and on their understanding of natural philosophy. Islam managed to separate the two in a much more effective way than precedent attempts had done. The experimental methods that were used by the Hakes allowed for a much more structured and expound look into the mechanics behind the physical world. One Hacked in particular was vestigial in advancing the field of physics during the Islamic Golden Age.Bin al-Hath (mentioned earlier who revolutionized the field of optics) is the key player in the advancement of physics. His early version of the empirical scientific method was crucial in travel forward. Bin al-Hath, along with several other Hakes, had formed crude theories of the laws of the physical world, which Isaac nitrogen would finalize and come known for. Muslims are also known for their contributions to the humanistic discipline, but unfortunately the Christian and Islamic view of the arts and humanities varied and often conflicted. In Christianity, the creation and possession of symbols and depictions of God and other Holy things is perfectly acceptable, and at some points in time actually back up and enforced.In Islam, it is almost forbidden for there to be any visual interpretation of God and His realm. The Islamic way to portray God in art was by way of calligraphy and the dome that is present on every Islamic mosque. It is because of this conflict, both in traditions and in beliefs, that one will have a very difficult time trying to make any connections during a specific period in time. During the Renaissance period, it is almost nonexistent. Islam definitely had influence on earlier artwork due to the serious Islamic presence throughout the Iberian Peninsula, northern Africa, and Spanish regions. As faraway as the Renaissance goes, they wanted to go back to the roots of antiquity, not the recent past.Islamic art did actively influence the Renaissance through architecture by way of the pointed arch however. Muslims also made grand advancements in the areas of scientific study, particularly those of astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and physics. These advancements were built upon and innovated even more when the Renaissance men and women came to their own con clusions on the subjects Galileo on astronomy, Copernicus in mathematics, Server in medicine, and Newton in physics. These Renaissance men are but a few of the many important figures who were a part of the Renaissance. It is through the fields of academia that Islam had the biggest influence of the Renaissance, and it is a fact that needs to be more widely known.